BASC Gun Re-Stocker Profile Imagery

Shropshire, March 2022

Brief: Creatively document Greg Morris in his workshop restocking damaged shotguns and rifles. Key photographs were to include how he selects the appropriate walnut, the tools he uses, and various workshop details for accompanying an article.

Services offered: Photography and editing.

Project completion time: 2 days.

Greg morris is an exceptionally talented re-stocker, and so the aims for the shoot were to capture the many different elements he covers though photos from a variety of scales, i.e close ups of his tools scoring the wood, to wide angle shots of the full workshop which is stacked full of tools, ornaments and other items which he has collected over the years.

Photographing in a workshop can sometimes present difficulties by having inadequate lighting contrasting with intense spot lighting. In this series of images for BASC, natural downlighting was used for any portraiture work, while spot lighting was utilised to highlight areas for details in a creative way.

A selection of low resolution examples below.

Photographer: Matt Kidd

Client: BASC


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